Four Certainties for 2022

Four Certainties for 2022


For our church family, the last few weeks have been another reminder that so much of our lives and plans are outside of our control. As we thought it best to not meet together due to a high volume of COVID-19 cases among staff and members, it was a strange holiday season that we’d all looked forward to with hopeful anticipation. Let us continue to pray for the many who are recovering from their illnesses and continue in love for one another.

Now, as 2021 fades into the past and we enter a new year, much of the rhetoric and somewhat hopeless tone of so many voices in the media’s social commentators is that of fear and angst about what the future holds. The past two years have proven to be difficult for many people for a wide variety of reasons because of the uncertainties we’re all living in. And while we, as Christians, are not immune from the pains and concerns happening around us, let us not be as those with hope. The future may be uncertain, but we serve a God of certainties. Let us, then, consider four sure-fire certainties about 2022:


Certainty #1: Jesus is on His throne

As the world turns and unforeseen circumstances continually happen outside of the control and plans of man, believers can rest assured that the Lord is sovereign and, while all may seem out of our control, the Lord is very much in control and is working all things together for His glory and our good. While we may not always understand current events, and may struggle under the weight of various trials, we have this firm hope in us that God is always in control and working things together for the good of His sovereign purposes.

·      “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


Certainty #2: Jesus is building His church

I do my best to keep up with trends and projections from leading church growth analyst and experts in church missions. The trends for the American church are, as expected, down numerically as most churches have lost a significant percentage of their pre-pandemic attendance and ministry participation. Our church has seen this happen as our attendance has waned since 2019 and most of our ministries to both adults and children are not where they once were numerically. While this may be disheartening for our desire to see the Lord working in a tangible way, we must understand that Jesus promised that He would build his church and nothing can stop his divine working: no pandemic, no political force, no worldwide catastrophe, no demonic activity, etc. While we may, or may not, see this work and, at times, have more clearly evident signs of such growth, God is often working in mysterious ways and bringing a harvest of souls in some places more than others. Let us press on, then, in hopes that we will be faithful and know that God is still providentially at work in and through us - even though we may not see or understand it.

·      “…I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” - Matthew 16:18b


Certainty #3: Jesus is growing our faith

Trials and times of uncertainty have a very effective way in which God prunes and sifts His church and strengthens His people by weaning us off of the world’s cares and comforts and forcing us to be more reliant on Him. Rest assured, in times of difficulty, God is working in His people and for this reason, we should rejoice and take a long-view of the Spirit’s sanctifying and maturing work among God’s people.

·      “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” – James 1:2-4


Certainty #4: Jesus loves you

Perhaps the most constant theme we find through the gospel accounts is the love Jesus has for His own and the tender care He provides to us in times of uncertainty. When the disciples were afraid, Jesus calmed their fears with His presence and power. When the multitudes were ill and disheartened, Jesus exuded love and compassion towards them in their distress. Rest assured, when you are discouraged and uncertain about what the future holds and your mind is filled with questions, Jesus is near and offers His peace to those who call on Him in faith.

·      “… in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 8:37–39