Worship Ministry

Worship team members walk ahead on the spiritual pathway with eyes fixed on Jesus for the singular joy of encouraging others to look up and see Gods glory.

Worship is central to the family of North Run Baptist Church.  Our goal is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength by honoring Jesus through a committed to excellence and passion for unbelievers.    

Weekly worship services designed to engage the congregation in the outward expression of worship.We use hymns, testimonies, choruses, band, praise team, choir, various instruments, hand bells and the spoken word of God to encourage connection with God during the worship hour.


The Worship Ministry

Come and join us!

The Worship Choir

The Worship Choir leads in both morning worship services throughout the month and is comprised of those who love the Lord and desire to live in such a way that their life and expression of praise reflect the grace of God. 

The Worship Choir anchors services throughout the month with intentional worship moments and musical styles.  Anyone who desires to serve as part of the Worship Choir is welcome to come and visit and participate in a rehearsals.  Speak with our Worship Minister and join us on Wednesday evening at 7:00 o’clock.

Praise Team and Instrumentalists

The praise team is comprised of a core group of worship leaders from the choir and additional instrumentalists.  A passionate people for the Lord with the desire is to see Jesus exalted and people come to know Christ as Savior. 

Children’s Arts Adventure

The Wednesday Night Children’s Arts Adventure is a vibrant program designed to cultivate energy and excitement. The dedicated CAA team desire that all children know the beauty and joy in worshiping the Lord and help students explore their God-given creativity and unique gifting to serve God. Each week students learn to express their talents in ways that reflect His goodness and glory.

WEdnesday Night Preschool Music and Arts

The format for the Pre-School children centers around discovery.  Through musical games and discovery activities, vocal exploration, drama games all focus on building skill and giving children experiences that foster their love for the Lord. 

1st - 6th grade Children’s Worship Arts Adventure

- Kingdom Kids Choir -

Led by an enthusiastic team, the 1-6th grade Arts Adventure includes art, singing, scripture memory, guitar choir, drama games and share in worship and the special events throughout the years. 

Hand Bells

The Joyful Ringers Hand Bell choir has been a tradition at NRBC for over 45 years.  These musicians share their lives together as the rehearse and help lead in worship services throughout the year.