Praying for Our Leaders


First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. – 1 Timothy 2: 1-2


Today marks the inauguration of the 46th president of the United States, president-elect Joe Biden. Alongside of him, is the first woman to serve as vice president, Kamala Harris. For more reasons than one, this is a historic day in our nation’s history and, as with all elections, will have rippling and far reaching consequences into the future. What those effects will be remains to be seen – but there are certain realities for the Christian in the present to which we are obligated as we look with hope into the future as followers of King Jesus.

As Christians consider our responsibilities on this day, let us submit ourselves to God's Word – not emotions, political leanings, or uncertainties of the future. Let us remember and operate under the banner of our heavenly citizenship and the sovereign rule of King Jesus. And as we do, let us pray for, respect, love, and honor those given charge over us. May we do this not only in thought or novel concepts of virtue, but in our speech and actions. Though party lines and laws may change, our responsibility to submit to God’s Word does not.

The Bible is clear in that there are four primary functions of governance within humanity, given by God, to all: the conscience, the family, the church, and civil government. These four societal common graces aid in the development of a nation's ability to thrive and receive God's blessings in more ways than one. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people,” writes the wisest man to ever live or lead a nation (Proverbs 14:34). I will specifically be praying for our nation's leaders moving forward in these four ways, as given to us (in summary) from the Bible: 

1)    Pray for the protection of the conscience. The moral law of God is written on the human heart (Romans 2:12-16). This reality "pricks us" when people steal, murder, or mistreat others. This is why, in large, most civilizations recognize basic evils that destroy a nation and prevent good will among its people. However, just as the conscience of an individual may be, and often is, hardened and desensitized to evil over time – so can a nation’s conscience become increasingly unaware and insensitive to corruption and moral decay. Let us pray that our nation’s leaders and our collective consciences would be submissive to God’s Law and definitions of good and evil. Let us pray that God’s people would never be intimidated or coerced into violating their conscience before God by directly (or indirectly) resisting His will. May we unite, love, serve, and see the best in others as we seek to point all people to Christ and live as His ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20).

2)    Pray for the protection of the family. God created man and woman in His image and Christians affirm the intrinsic worth of all human beings equally, from conception to death (Genesis 1–2). Because God created all people, He alone defines the meaning and purposes of human relationships that best aid to human flourishing within any civilization. God designed marriage to uniquely thrive between one man and one woman, and often blesses such covenantal union with children. This family unit is the building block of human existence and therefore must be protected and valued by any nation desirous of God’s blessings and grace. The devil seeks to destroy this foundation as one who sows opposition to God’s created order as the one who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy life as we know it (John 10:10). Let us pray that our nation’s leaders would protect God’s standards for the family and lead our country to value this sacred institution.

3)   Pray for the protection of the church. The church of God’s people is a unique group that, though living in the world (nation’s, kingdoms, etc.) throughout time - is not of the world. The church should understand that our hope does not rest in man, government, or political might – but in Christ and Christ alone. We must understand that this world is passing away and to be about God’s work and worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). In an era in which there is increasing antagonism towards the church, we must pray that our nation’s leaders would uphold religious liberty and do no harm to God’s church. Further, Christians should understand the importance of our unique calling to honor, respect, and submit to the governing authorities – so long as we are not called on to violate God’s Word and betray King Jesus.

4) Pray for the civil authorities and government. We are living in a time where there is widescale lack of trust and respect for those in our charge – whether politicians or peacekeepers and public servants. But Christians must make no mistake in this area: no King, Monarch, or government of any kind has been or ever will rise to power outside of God’s sovereign allowance. Though, on a human level, history has shown that there are times where evil leaders rise to power – it is never permitted outside of God’s plan to primarily bring glory to His name through means such as the purification of His church and to judge a people engulfed in wickedness (Psalm 75:7, Romans 1:18-32). God also raises leaders for purposes far beyond our understanding. This truth is unfading and unaltered by politics or party lines. This is our duty in every year and our delight to intercede each day. May we follow our God given duty to honor, respect, and therefore pray for our leaders with godly sincerity and a desire for the good of our temporary home (1 Peter 2:13-17).